
Bruine de Bruin B.V. ®

The head office of  Bruine de Bruin B.V.® is located in Aalsmeer. The company has been in business since 1969 as a supplier of diverse products for sectors including glasshouse horticulture. Bruine de Bruin B.V. is well known as a designer and producer of water treatment installations, container systems, internal transport, nursery tables and cultivation systems.

Worldwide distribution is carried out from our modern factory where all our products are manufactured. You will find our products all over the world, whether it is a reverse osmosis installation or a fully automatic container system. Our own service organisation is at your service 24 hours per day throughout the world. Thanks to optional on-board modem connections on our products we can log on anywhere in the world and closely monitor your machines.

All products from Technical Bureau W.M. Bruine de Bruin B.V. are custom made and fulfil the requirements set by the customer. We make customised goods for your company; it’s not for nothing that our slogan is: COST-EFFECTIVE CUSTOMISED GOODS FOR YOUR COMPANY!